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⁠Divine House of Prayer

Divine House of Prayer

“Then He taught, saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’? …..”” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭11‬:‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Divine House of Prayers for the Latter Rain Church is Headquartered in Arusha Tanzania. This is where the Gospel of God is preached and televised live to the world, it is where people from all nations gather to seek the face of God, and Raise an End time Army of Prophetic Intercessors as Kings and Priests. God has given us two physical locations in Arusha; a House of Prayer at Uzunguni, Vijana Road and the City of God called Divine Land at Mlangarini. Other physical houses of prayer are in Dodoma, Mbeya, Mwanza, and Colorado, USA.