Shallom Shallom Shallom
We welcome you to join our Global Network of Intercessors where you are being trained, groomed, equipped, to be a king, priest and being mentored to rise as the endtime warrior intercessor.
We raising more altars of prayers and equiping more warrior intercessors that tjey can stand and watch over the kingdom agendas, their callings, families, cities, nations and the body of Christ Globaly.
Our first altar to be raised this year is USA.
Join us tommorrow morning on zoom at 4:00am EST (12:00pm EAT)
Kindly share this with your networks and let us rise and watch,
Let us rise and fearlessly wage war in the spirit,
Let us rise and destroy the kingdom of darkness and all demonic entities tormenting us, our families, the body of Christ, our cities and our nations.
Meeting ID 376 379 6753
Password 12345
We love you and welcome